This order form will automatically e-mail to Homespun Peddler. If you want to pay by check or money order, simply print this form and send it via surface mail.
PAYPAL accepted!
Most of our catalog pages include PayPal shopping cart buttons.
Use this order form for items which do not
yet have the PayPal shopping cart.
(See PayPal notes at bottom of page)Privacy Policy
If you want to use PAYPAL to send a payment please do the following:
- Complete this manual order page.
- Click the PayPal button to open a new paypal window.
(This order form will remain open.)
- Use Paypal's "send money" feature to send your payment to:
- Click back to this window.
- Click the SUBMIT button at the bottom of this screen
- Your order will be e-mailed to Homespun Peddler
- A confirmation page will be returned to your screen.
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